Social Trustee Needed
The Club needs to fill the board position of Social Trustee. The main commitments are to set up for the Annual Meeting in November and attend the monthly zoom board meetings. This position has also typically organized a spring picnic or banquet. The previous social chair and board members are happy to provide support. Of course, the job can be expanded as described below.
Was it a hike or an event? Tyee or Nesika?
I was introduced on a membership hike. I joined immediately; I had found a tribe of like-minded people. The Board is currently seeking a Social Chair. Have great ideas? Want to see TCO grow? Membership, hikes, lodge events, backpacking trips, snowshoeing etc. There is no limit to the creativity here. Perhaps a family retreat or music event. And you don’t have to do it alone! Grab a friend (or 2) to co-chair. You will have support from members to mentor you through the process. TCO IS OURS TOGETHER, LET’S MAKE IT GREAT!!!!! The nominating committee is ready for interested persons. Please contact Julia Carroll at
The Club needs a member who will edit the Trail Blazer, our monthly publication. The editing is done on-line so no special software or tools are required. The editor compiles input from the board and the event calendar as well as articles and photos from members. Joel Reitz, Publication Trustee, can assist with the process and programs/apps. Please contact Joel with questions at
Outdoor Education Committee Meeting
Come and join our meeting to discuss current plans and events. New participants are welcome, you do not need to be a member to participate.
Weds Evening Conditioning Hike
Meet at Wallace Park between NW 25th and 26th on Raleigh. We start at 6 PM sharp and hike until 8 PM-ish in Forest Park and the West Hills.
Weds Evening Conditioning Hike
Meet at Wallace Park between NW 25th and 26th on Raleigh. We start at 6 PM sharp and hike until 8 PM-ish in Forest Park and the West Hills.
Come enjoy the company of other women. We will hike, make art, enjoy food together and have some music for spontaneous dance parties!
Weds Evening Conditioning Hike
Meet at Wallace Park between NW 25th and 26th on Raleigh. We start at 6 PM sharp and hike until 8 PM-ish in Forest Park and the West Hills.
Weds Evening Conditioning Hike
Meet at Wallace Park between NW 25th and 26th on Raleigh. We start at 6 PM sharp and hike until 8 PM-ish in Forest Park and the West Hills.
Backpack Timberline Trail – 40 miles in 3.5 days
The trail is strenuous in places and the time allotted will require more than 10 miles a day.
Tyee Open for Members – Holiday Weekend
Tyee Lodge is Open to members and their guests for day use and/or overnight Friday evening 7:00 PM – Sunday noon.
Lodge work parties have been scheduled. There is no charge for meals and overnight stays for work party participants. Check the Trails Club of Oregon website calendar for dates.
At this time, there is one work party scheduled. It is at Tyee on September 21.
Photos: Pete Recksiek - Nesika and new water heater
For activities such as bicycle, snowshoe, and XC skiing check with the leaders for the difficulty level. Good equipment for the specific activity is required for all events. For hikes, snowshoes:
- Class A - Shorter, less strenuous activity, typically 4 to 8 miles, less than 1500 feet elevation gain.
- Class B - Moderate to difficult, typically 6 to 12 miles, up to 3000 feet of elevation gain.
- Class C - Long and difficult, strong experienced participants only, typically over 8 miles, and over 3000 feet of elevation gain. Boots are recommended for B/C hikes.
Harsh conditions may increase the exertion and skill required; be prepared. Contact the trip leader if you have any questions and to let him or her know that you will be attending. Bring the 10 Essentials and please, no alcohol. Pets allowed on designated trips only.
Stay with the group and follow the leader. The leader is responsible for the group's safety. The leader determines which route is taken. The leader has authority to determine if a participant is prepared for the activity. Group safety must come first.
There is no charge to Trails Club members for day activities; non-members pay $2. Please contribute to any carpooling expenses at the rate of $.20 per mile. With multiple riders the driver can collect up to $.50 per mile shared by all the riders. Other fees may apply.
If you have RSVP'd for an activity at a lodge involving food expense and are unable to participate, you are obligated to do one of the following: Cancel before the food is purchased, find someone to take your place, or pay for your share of the food.
All activities must be approved by the appropriate activity coordinator or the Trips Trustee.
P.O. Box 67095 Portland, OR 97268-1095
Organized 1915 Incorporated 1923
Member of the Federation of Western Outdoors Clubs (FWOC)
Electronic subscripton is included with membership. Send address changes and club correspondence to: or the address above.
The purpose of the Trails Club is to foster and stimulate interest in hiking, climbing, skiing, camping and other similar outdoor activities and to promote activities of a social nature for the benefit of its members. The Club’s interests and concerns are conservation of natural beauty and resources of the country. All Club activities are affected by the voluntary participation of the members. Membership requirements include an approved outdoor activity, a scheduled lodge visit, recommendations by two members within a one-year period, approval by the Board of Trustees, and payment of $50 in dues and a $15 entrance fee.
Usually first Tuesday of the month when the date is at least the 4th, 7:00pm, over Zoom. See the calendar on the TCO website for the link if you wish to attend. Contact the President prior to a meeting if you have an issue to bring to the board.
Trails Club of Oregon & Meetup Websites
Our website ( is the official site for club events and information. There is also a Trails Club Meetup site that allows event planners to organize TCO events online, and publicize these events to a wider audience ( However, all events posted on the TCO Meetup site should be added to our TCO website as well. While we try to get every event in the Trail Blazer and on the Trails Club website (, some events, especially those planned on short notice, may not appear in The Blazer. Use the Calendar menu item for a listing of events. Registration on the website is not required to view the events. Also: All may use the Payment menu item on our website to pay your membership dues. You can pay for all members in a household in one transaction.
Send write-ups to: Submissions are due by the fifteenth of the month prior to publication. Trail Blazer Editor: Lee Ko Send pictures, new events, corrections and anything else for the Trails Club of Oregon website to: